Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tanner's House

Ok.. so yesterday Rachel, Tanner, Zac, Garrett, and Bryson all were at Tanner's house and we went to the park! We played a game where someone had an airsoft gun and then they tried to shoot someone.. if they did then they would be it.. I basically had the gun the whole time cuz it HURTS to get hit by one of those things! :P After that we were all tired and hot, so we went back to Tanner's house and played Quelf! Quelf is a board game where you have to roll a dice, and then pick up a card according to what space you land on... purple is the worst, and yellow is the second worse.. you basically are dared to do something totally crazy... it was SOO FUN! I had to ballroom dance with Rachel, and Tanner GOT IT ON VIDEO!! >:( But oh well.. haha :) And Zac got this thing that whenever someone rolls a four, then he has to pretend he's a "weeping willow" and hum a sad song from a movie! It was HILARIOUS!! Tanner also got that on video.... talk about black mail haha :) So yeah! Then we were hangin out outside and Bryson and Tanner.. I think it was.. threw Rachel's shoes on the roof so Tanner had to go and get them and then Garrett locked him out :) haha Well.. a little while later Tanner and Bryson decided to hide from me and Rachel... so when we couldn't find them we went home lol :) So.. basically, that was my day yesterday :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009



Sorry I haven't posted in like 2 months... I haven't gotton around to my blog lately! :P Well yesterday I went over to Reed's and we played Sims 2. We made ourselves and made a really nice house haha :) So, today I tried to get on Sims on my computer and it was being totally retarded!!! >:O I put in the Sims 2 Glamour Life and it said I needed to install the Sims 2, but it was already installed. So I thought, hmm, maybe I should uninstall the Sims 2 and install it again. So, I clicked uninstall but nothing happened! This is really making me mad right now.. grrrrr... if any of you know how I could fix this please comment!