Sunday, November 9, 2008

.•Random Post•.

Ok, I am gonna talk to peoplez!

Ok, I will talk to...... Madz.. hey Maddie, I wish you weren't making your blog private.... and why are you? Has someone been like leaving comments on your blog that are mean??? :O

Ok now to DJ... HI DJ!! I hope you are feeling better, I love your new blog title thingy! It's amazing how you could find all of those pictures on Howrse!! FUIG :D

Ok, now to Reed... what's up Reed? You need to get on meez more often! :D O and just to remind you..... when my mom makes her salsa YOU NEED TO COME OVER! haha

Now Rachel... how's it goin' Rachie? Are there still moccasins at Target? LOL I think I might want some ;)

Ok, now this is just for everyone to read.... I'M SO EXCITED... ONE(WHY AM I STILL ON CAPS) my cousins are coming for Thanksgiving!! They have only been to our house like 2 times! So it's a real treat for them to come. AND, my birthday will be on the 28Th, which is when they will be here, so I will get to celebrate my birthday with them!! YAY ME!:D

P.S. Mom, I am still hoping for that Samsung Yp-P2..... ;D, oh and maybe some moccasins for Christmas.... :D haha

4 ♥'s have commented:

rachie + kennedy said...

it is going good and yes the moccasins are still there! hehe:)

Heather :] said...

oh good! :D

Rachel Hess said...

hiya Heffer! thx I'm better now. i got well in time 2 go 2 my school's 1st b-ball game! yeya!

Heather :] said...

thats cool! I'm glad you're better now! fuig :D