Monday, July 21, 2008

Apologies and Girl's Camp

Hey, I'm sooo sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been in Utah and at Girl's Camp!!!! It was amazing! To be honest with you, I was scared to go to Girl's Camp, because I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders. I cannot go near them. Well, when I first got there I set up all my stuff on my bunk bed (bottom bunk) and came back to find a spider on my bed! I was saying to myself, "ok, there are going to be no more spiders on my bed!"

Guess what........... MORE SPIDERS! And I know you're probably thinking o my gosh you're in the woods and there are gonna be spiders, but I get freaked out. So I asked if I could go in the other cabin. To my surprise, there were BARELY any spiders at the other one!!! All I had to do was spray a butt-load of bug spray on my sleeping bag and I was fine! :) Well, we did a lot of fun stuff, but of course, there HAS to be some nasty stuff, like the horrid CaPeRs(cleaning)!!

Luckily, I only had to sweep, but let me tell ya, those bathrooms were flippin' nasty!!! On the first day we had certification, and we learned about first-aid stuff. It was soooo funny because after we learned that we were in the romada (where we eat) and someone comes on the stage and said that her friends were in "trouble". So all of us followed her and there were girls laying on the ground with "blood" (ketchup) all over themselves and we had to help them! After that we got the Lifesaver bead to go on our necklace.

We had a dance class.... it was fun, too! A little later there was a YCL (youth camp leader) pageant. It was hilarious! After that we went back to our cabins and played the Name Game. Before you went to bed you got to write in your journal.

On Wednesday we got to do archery! I was horrible at the bow and arrow kind of stuff, and the slingshots, but i was pretty good at bull riding.( Not a real bull) there was also a zipline, which was extremely fun! After that we had certification again, and we learned to tie knots. After that we went on a nature hike with the fourth years.( I'm a 1st year)

We went through a stream and saw all sorts of cool little water bugs. Then there was a program in the romada and Sister Welman was talking about how we are beautiful inside and out. I really liked her little talk thing. After that we got to go singing in the trees! On Thursday we went on a 3 mile hike which was actually really fun!

We were singing camp songs while we were walking and that took our minds off of the pain in our feet. :) After that we finally got to shower!!! It felt awesome, and I didn't even care that the water was cold! The best thing of all was the testimony meeting for our ward. Bishop Rolfe and my daddy :) came and listened to the testimony meeting.

Let me tell ya, by the time the testimony meeting was done, i literally had a handful of drenched Kleenex's from crying so much! Crazy huh! We had yummy donuts and shakes. (I'm sorry Bishop Rolfe, but my dad's shakes are better than yours:) ) Well, apparently that night there was a gigantic Skunk on the porch!!!!!!( I was fast asleep, so i didn't see him) On Friday we packed up all our stuff and had capers in the kitchen. We went home at about noon. I was soooo happy to be home, but I loved girl's camp, besides the spiders. So that's what girl's camp was like!!!

3 ♥'s have commented:

Rachel Hess said...

OMGosh! i WAS fun, heifer!!! i can't wait till nxt yr!!!!!!
♥ racho

Madison said...

Where were you in utah?

Rachel Hess said...

nope we stayed in az =)