Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hannah Montana Movie!

I loved it! I loved it! I loved it! It was absolutely great!!!! I thought it was gonna be cheesy, like High School Musical, you know, but it was nothing like that! It was funny, sweet, and sad! I cried, but it was amazing! I usually don't say that about Disney Movies, hah! So I totally recommend seeing it! Go! lol I guaruntee you'll love it!

4 ♥'s have commented:

Rachel Hess said...

Ok, i'll probably go see it ;]

Becca Mary said...

I know it was so good!:)

download Hanna movie said...

This is really great....

download The Rebound movie said...

I have watch the first season of Hanna Montana.this is very entertaining.This is a good link for movie.